Hotline: +27 (065) 846-7642

terms & conditions


This website is accessible at, and (the “Website”) and is owned and operated by Store263 Online These Website Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern the ordering, sale, and delivery of Goods, and the use of the Website. These Terms and Conditions are binding and enforceable against every person that accesses or uses this Website (“you”, “your” or “user”), including without limitation each user who registers as contemplated below (“registered user”). By using the Website and by clicking on the “Register Now” button on the Website, as may be applicable, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The Website enables you to shop online for an extensive range of goods, including groceries, sport, home and kitchenware, baby and toddler products, electronics, health and beauty products, movies and TV, gaming, books, music, toys, pet supplies, and more (“Goods”). When you use our Website, notwithstanding your geographic location, you do so in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and provided that any delivery address, including for returns collections, is a delivery address within the borders of Zimbabwe. Store263 allows third-party sellers to list and sell their Goods on the Website (each a “Third-Party Seller”). Store263 will indicate on relevant product pages and checkout pages when Goods are for sale by a Third-Party Seller. Certain terms in these Terms and Conditions only apply to purchases from Third-Party Sellers, and others only apply to purchases from Store263. This will be made clear in the relevant clause. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended or must be understood to unlawfully restrict, limit or avoid any right or obligation, as the case may be, created for either you or Store263 in terms of the CPA. Store263 permits the use of this Website subject to the Terms and Conditions. By using this Website in any way, you shall be deemed to have accepted all the Terms and Conditions unconditionally. You must not use this Website if you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions.


Please refer to our Returns Policy for more information about returning products (and related refunds, replacements, or repairs). The Returns Policy is incorporated by reference (which means that it forms part of these Terms and Conditions).

Registration and Use of the Website:

Only registered users may order Goods on the Website. To register as a user, you must provide a unique username and password and provide certain information and personal details to Store263. You will need to use your unique username and password to access the Website to purchase Goods.

You agree and warrant that your username and password shall:

  • * Be used for personal use only; and
  • * Not be disclosed by you to any third party.
For security purposes, you agree to enter the correct username and password whenever ordering Goods, failing which you will be denied access. You agree that, once the correct username and password relating to your account have been entered, irrespective of whether the use of the username and password is unauthorized or fraudulent, you will be liable for payment of such order, save where the order is canceled by you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. You agree to notify Store263 immediately upon becoming aware of or reasonably suspecting any unauthorized access to or use of your username and password and to take steps to mitigate any resultant loss or harm. By using the Website, you warrant that you are 18 (eighteen) years of age or older and of full legal capacity. If you are under the age of 18 (eighteen) or if you are not legally permitted to enter into a binding agreement, then you may use the Website only with the involvement and supervision of your parent or legal guardian. If your parent or legal guardian supervises you and gives his/her consent, then such person agrees to be bound to these Terms and Conditions and to be liable and responsible for you and all your obligations under these Terms and Conditions. You agree that you will not in any way use any device, software, or other instrument to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website. In addition, you agree that you will not in any way use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor, copy, distribute, or modify the Website or the information contained herein, without the prior written consent from an authorized Store263 representative (such consent is deemed given for standard search engine technology employed by Internet search websites to direct Internet users to this Website). You may not use the Website to distribute material which is defamatory, offensive, contains or amounts to hate speech or is otherwise unlawful. You may not in any way display, publish, copy, print, post, or otherwise use the Website and/or the information contained therein without the express prior written consent of an authorized Store263 representative.

Conclusion of Sales and Availability of Stock:

Registered users may place orders for Goods, which Store263 or the Third-Party Seller may accept or reject. Whether or not Store263 or the Third-Party Seller accepts an order depends on the availability of Goods, correctness of the information relating to the Goods (including without limitation the price) and receipt of payment or payment authorization by Store263 for the Goods. NOTE: Store263 or the Third-Party Seller will indicate the acceptance of your order by delivering the Goods to you or allowing you to collect them, and only at that point will an agreement of sale between you and Store263 or the Third-Party Seller come into effect (the “Sale”). This is regardless of any communication from Store263 stating that your order or payment has been confirmed. Store263 will indicate the rejection of your order (by Store263 itself or the Third-Party Seller) by canceling it and, as soon as possible thereafter, refunding you for any amount already paid. Placing Goods in a wishlist or shopping basket without completing the purchase cycle does not constitute an order for such Goods.

Third Party Sellers:

Store263 will indicate on relevant product pages and checkout pages when Goods are for sale by a Third Party Seller. In such cases, store263 only provides the platform to facilitate transactions between Third Party Sellers and store263 customers. store263 is neither the buyer nor the seller of these Goods unless otherwise specified. The Sale formed on acceptance of your order (in accordance with clause 5.2) for Goods that are for sale by a Third Party Seller is therefore solely between the registered user and such Third Party Seller. store263 is not a party to that sale. The Third Party Seller is solely responsible for the fulfillment of the delivery of the Goods. The Third Party Seller is also responsible for providing an invoice to the registered user if required. Not all Third Party Sellers are registered VAT (Value-Added Tax) vendors. Only Third Party Sellers who are registered VAT vendors may charge VAT on Goods sold and issue a tax invoice in respect thereof. If a Third Party Seller is not a registered VAT Vendor, it may not charge VAT on Goods sold and will not be in a position to issue a tax invoice in respect thereof. Any disputes must be resolved between you and the relevant Third Party Seller alone.